LVRSys® – Low-Voltage Regulation
Solve Voltage Stability Problems in the LV-Grid Due to PV, E-Mobility & Heatpumps

LVRSys® – the Cost and Time Efficient Alternative to Line/Grid Expansion
Cost and Time Efficient, Easy to Install, Flexible & Low/No-Maintenance
Low Voltage Regulation
A Building Block of the Future
The »LVRSys® – Low-Voltage Regulation System« was developed to solve voltage stability problems in the low-voltage grid due to the integration of electromobility, photovoltaics and heat pumps in the low-voltage grid. It represents an economical and flexible alternative to costly and time-consuming line extensions.
The voltage stability problems could be local (individual lines) or affect the entire low-voltage grid. LVRSys® can be used flexibly as a line regulator or regulate directly at the local transformer station (or secondary substation).