Unsere Referenzen:

Experimental Validation of a Low-Voltage Regulator Model – Case Study of a Maltese Low-Voltage Grid

This application report addresses the integration of the »LVRSys® Low-Voltage Regulation System« into the low-voltage grid in Malta.

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Cost Efficient Management of Digital Secondary Substations: Earth Fault Indicator EOR-3DS as Digitisation Unit for Secondary Substations

Digital secondary substations are becoming a key element for distribution system operators in terms of automation, monitoring, and efficient operations of their networks. Read this technical report about the EOR-3DS in its role as digitisation unit for secondary substations.

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Ferrari´s Meter vs. Electronic Meter

This technical report analyzes a power measurement at a large industrial customer. The customer records very high currents and fifth harmonic voltages during production time, which leads to poor voltage quality.

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Angle Determination of Voltage and Current Harmonics in Practice

Today's devices and equipment such as switched-mode power supplies, frequency converters, regulated drives, charging devices for e-mobiles or LED lighting work internally with high clock frequencies in order to regulate power efficiently. These can lead to both conducted and field-bound (coupled) influences in the energy grid. In this technical report, we explain how you can detect these sources of interference in the grid using suitable measuring technology.

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Innovative & Economical “System Solutions” in the Age of Energy Grid Transformation

The transformation of the energy industry from a centralized structure to a decentralized energy supply is creating complex energy networks with volatile load flows and changing load flow directions. Grid feedback effects must be reduced to a tolerable level to avoid negative effects.

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Mains Feedback Interferes With Protective Devices

In a photography and design studio, located in a large industrial park, a RCD tripped frequently. Due to the permanent power cuts, the employees of the studio could not work properly. This article shows how we found a solution for this problem using our Power Quality devices.

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Creating Power Quality Surveys With PQ-Box and WinPQ Mobil Software

The following report displays the PQ-Box and WinPQ mobil software interact to allow an evaluation of the disturbance levels at a measuring point according to approved grid norms.

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Measurement of Voltage Distortions in Industrial Grids With the PQ-Box 50

It is important to find disturbances in the system in a fast and reliable way. This report shows an example for trouble shooting with the Power Quality analyzer PQ-Box 50.

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Power Quality Measurements: The Third Harmonic

This special publication intends to illustrate a typical power quality measurement and the aspects, which should be taken into consideration conducting the measurements.

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Performance Increase in the Distribution Grid

Due to economic unreasonableness, grid operators are rejecting applications to connect PV systems in the low-voltage grid more often. The responsible grid planners are guided by the connection guideline VDE-AR-N 4105, in which decentralized generation facilities may only raise the voltage level in the low-voltage grid by 3% compared to the previous situation.

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Economic Analysis Low Voltage Regulation

Smart Grids and the resulting changes in the distribution grids face many distribution grid operators with different challenges. These include...

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Simultaneous Charging of Electric Vehicles

The Technische Hochschule Bingen (THB) charged e-vehicles in parallel at ten charging points. What was of interest here was measuring the charging current and its effect on the THB network; to determine pulse frequencies and their distribution across the network and to assess network asymmetries...

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Evaluating Supraharmonics up to 150 kHz in E-Vehicles at TH Bingen

In the first part of the measurement campaign in 2016, various e-vehicles were assessed as to their charging behaviour and feedback to the network. The evaluation considered DC harmonics up to the 50th...

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Pilot Project on a Motorway Parking Lot

In 2018, the “Auergründel” PWC (car park with WC) on the A6 suffered repeat failures of its fresh and waste water pumps...

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Power Quality Under the Microscope

The transition in the generator and consumer structure of Central European electrical grids is in full swing...

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Safely Regulate the Load Flow

Phase-shifting transformers or shunt regulators are special power transformers. They allow the active power flow (load flow) in alternating current networks to be controlled. During tapping, the ...

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Voltage Quality at All Network Levels

Extending networks will not come cheaply. For the distribution system alone, the Federal Grid Agency estimates costs of around...

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Emergency Power Supplies in Hospitals and Data Centres

According to DIN VDE 0100 part 710, if the voltage over one or more external cables providing the general power supply to a hospital falls to less than 90% of the nominal grid voltage for a period of more than 0.5s, the power supply must be

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The REGSys® Triple-Wound Feature

Since then, it has become possible to use the feature for other application such as so-called “energetic recovery” or to implement applications requiring a second voltage (U1, U2) and current (I1, I2) measurement. In these...

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Power Quality Detectives in the Low-Voltage Grid

Modern measurement technology makes an important contribution to the power quality of low-voltage networks. Without it, we could not make statements about the quality of individual power characteristics, nor find the causes of faults. It was for this reason that the decision was taken in early 2001...

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Regulating the Active and Reactive Power With REGSys®

he voltage regulator REG-D(A) is normally tasked with controlling voltage on the secondary side of a transformer. The main task here is to achieve the best possible balance between voltage stability and the number of taps...

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