Current Injection and Pulse Cabinet in One Product

Hochstromeinspeisung Kombigerät
The high power current injection (HPCI) is a combination device consisting of a classic current injection and pulse cabinet, designed for two applications. On the one hand, it reliably adjusts the arc suppression coil when the zero-sequence voltage is low or highly variable during fault-free operation. On the other, it allows for the artificial feed of a pulse signal for earth fault location when a single-phase fault has occurred.
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Instruction Manual REG-DP(A)
The right shape for every requirement
The modularly designed HPCI in its stainless-steel housing can be deployed in diverse situations and installed in various different cabinets and housings. We offer the HPCI in the following shapes:
- Individual system kit
- Individual system in control cabinet for interior installation
- Individual system in control cabinet for exterior installation
- Double system in control cabinet for interior installation
- HPCI system with up to 170 A secondary pulse stroke (pulse stroke)
- Special design of inductors with pulse option >30min (up to 2h) available

The combination device consisting of pulse cabinet and current injection (CI)
The HPCI is a combination device consisting of a current injection (CI) that can be used for 20 kV networks with average damping at up to 1000A (capacitive earth current), and also of a pulse cabinet with a secondary pulse stroke up to 170 A (inductive).
The current injection ensures reliable regulation even when the zero-sequence voltage is highly influenced or very low when the network is in a healthy condition. The pulse system supports the location of earth faults (pulse location).

Current injection incl. automatic power reduction and phase selection
For very small networks, the current injection can lead to undesirably strong influences on the zero-sequence voltage, meaning in the worst-case scenario that the earth fault threshold may be crossed. To prevent this, the HPCI monitors influences on the zero-sequence voltage and reduces them as needed automatically.
In addition, the current injection automatically selects from two different feed phases and is thus able, even where phase angle relationships are unfavourable, to increase the zero-sequence voltage when necessary.
Parametrisation control and connection via REG-DP(A)
By connecting the HPCI unit to the REG-DP(A) regulator, the HPCI can be parameterised, calibrated and controlled. Connection via all standard communications protocols is also possible. The REG-DP(A) regulator can be connected via REG-P, REG-PE or REG-PED SV control units. The following protocols are available (further protocols on request):
- IEC 60870 -5 -101 / 103 / 104
- IEC 61850
- DNP 3.0 RTU / DNP 3.0 TCP
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HPCI power feed-in?
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